Parineeti Chopra has been mired into a controversy after she asserted that hers was a rags to riches story. Reminiscing her earlier days, Parineeti had said that her family didn’t have enough money to arrange a car for her to go to school. Soon after, a Facebook post of her alleged schoolmate emerged that knocked down all such claims. The guy slammed Parineeti for lying through the teeth and coming up with a fabricated sob story.
As the controversy heated up, it was expected that the Ishaqzaade actress would come up with an explanation. And she did. On her social media account, Parineeti issued a statement that read, “I know I said this even that day but somehow it’s been misconstrued, about something about me having a car or not!! I was talking about using a car and driver to go to school that’s all. The essence of what and why I was giving that example was completely lost.”
She further said, “I am proud to be present at a time that girls are becoming stronger with training in martial arts. If I had had such an opportunity back then, I know I would have felt much more confident!”
My statement
— BINDU (@ParineetiChopra) May 30, 2017
For the uninitiated, Parineeti at a recent event revisited the hardships that she had to go through as a child due to poverty. She said that because her family had less money, she was forced to ride a cycle to school. She even talked about getting eve-teased by the miscreants.
However, Parineeti’s statements didn’t go down well with a guy who claimed to be her former schoolmate. He wrote on Facebook, “Coming from the same school I probably also remember the car her father used to have. And going to school on a cycle was a trend those days and also a privilege not everyone had. My friends from CJM (Convent of Jesus and Mary) would probably understand the lies a bit better.”
The post garnered some very strong reactions on the social media as people chose to believe the alleged schoolmate. Now, it is to be seen how the clarification by Parineeti is perceived.
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