JP Dutta, Bollywood’s veteran filmmaker, known for war films including the National Award winning Border, has unveiled the first look of his next war drama titled Paltan. He is excited to bring another chapter of Indian history alive through the film.
“It’s time to tell a new story, to tell another part of the history of our country and salute more real life heroes! I present PALTAN. A film and a subject very close to my heart and I’m extremely excited about it,” Dutta said in a statement.
The first look of the film shows silhouettes of army men treading an uneven path, with a tagline: “Brother to my right. Brother to my left. Together we stand. Together we fight.”
One can also see several dog tags with names of officers inscribed on them at the top of the poster. The casting of Dutta’s drama is underway and will be announced soon.
According to an informed source, Paltan will boast of an exciting ensemble star cast. “There are even rumors (that makers) to have actual army men in the film,” added the source.
JP Dutta last directed Umrao Jaan, released in 2006. He has given some iconic movies like Sarhad, Ghulami, Batwara, Hathyar, Kshatriya, Refugee. His last war-themed film was LOC Kargil released in 2003.
Produced by JP Films and directed by the veteran filmmaker Dutta, the film will go on the floors later this year, and is scheduled for a summer 2018 release.
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