Anupam Kher will be essaying the role of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the upcoming movie The Accidental Prime Minister. The first look of the poster of the movie was released a short while ago and from the look of it, the film seems intriguing. The movie is based on the book of the same name penned by Sanjaya Baru. The Accidental Prime Minister is slated for a release in late 2018. Directed by Vijay Ratnakar Gutte and produced by Bohra Bros., the movie has piqued the interest of many.
The film is being penned by Hansal Mehta. Here is the first look in which the uncanny resemblance between Anupam Kher and Dr Singh will leave you perplexed:
Anupam Kher in and as #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister… Directed by Vijay Ratnakar Gutte… Produced by Bohra Bros… First look poster:
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 7, 2017
#TheAccidentalPrimeMinister is based on Sanjaya Baru’s book The Accidental Prime Minister… Slated for Winter 2018 release.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) June 7, 2017
The release of Baru’s book, The Accidental Prime Minister: The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan Singh, was critical of Singh’s first term as PM and had coincided with the 2014 parliamentary polls. The movie’s release is just ahead of the general election of 2019. Producer Sunil Bohra said it will be a political drama grander than Richard Attenborough’s Academy award winning Gandhi.
“The research on the movie is already over. Auditioning (for the remaining cast) is in its final lap. The movie will hit the screens next year,” said Bohra, who has co-produced films like Gangs of Wasseypur and Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster.
Also read: Anupam Kher’s weight loss journey will inspire you to hit the gym now
Kher confirmed that he has taken up the role. “Acting the role of anyone in contemporary history is extremely challenging, as comparisons are bound to be instant and inevitable. But as I have always revelled in challenges, right from my first film Saaransh, I look forward to the experience of portraying PM Manmohan Singh,” Kher told a leading daily.
Here are few of the Twitter reactions after the release of the poster:
If there’s anyone who can do justice to this role, it’s you @anupampkher! #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister is sure to be a riveting watch!
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) June 7, 2017
Honoured 2 b a part of a team; embarking 2 tell a story abt d mst controversial chapter of modern Indian Pltcs. #THEACCIDENTALPRIMEMINISTER
— Ashoke Pandit (@ashokepandit) June 7, 2017
@AnupamPkher ..A man’s actions don’t always equal the sum of his psychological parts …for #TheAccidentalPrimeMinister #DrManmohanSingh
— psychobabble (@docvishalsawant) June 7, 2017
Wishing #SunilBohra @anupamPKher @AshokePandit @HansalMehta #VijayGutte All the Very Best for your new film. #THEACCIDENTALPRIMEMINISTER
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) June 7, 2017
(With Inputs from PTI)
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