Actor Ranveer Singh is gearing up for the release of his upcoming — Befikre with Vaani Kapoor. A YRF entertainer, the film is said to have taken a distinct stance on romance. At the launch of the latest song of his film, Ranveer interacted with the media and spoke about various things — both filmy and non-filmy. Starting from how Befikre is bringing a new realm of romance on-screen to his red underwear, he made some of the exciting revelations. Here’re are eight interesting statements Ranveer Singh made at the Befikre music launch.
On entering Shah Rukh Khan’s space with Befikre:
I am the least territorial person. I don’t think I am entering anyone’s territory. Adi (Aditya Chopra) sir wanted to make the film with me and I am involved in the project since the time of its scripting. I am glad that my mentor has given me the opportunity to work under his direction. It’s a big deal for me.
On being the only actor to have worked with both Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Aditya Chopra after Big B and SRK:
I am so proud and happy. I think I am lucky to get such opportunity. Though I want to work with big names of Bollywood, I also want to work with young directors and fresh idea.
On Befikre getting a U/A certificate:
CBFC has seen the film and gave us U/A certificate and we are very happy because the film is Indian at its heart. And as it was seen in the first song (of the film), Labon Ka Kaarobar, the kisses are shown in a very different way. No one will get offended while watching the film. Usually, whenever there are kissing scenes in a film, things become awkward among parents and kids, that won’t happen in this film. I think the censors have aligned to that as the kisses are shown in the same kind of warmth as a hug, it has been normalised. And it’s a family film and a happy film.
On his stance on romance:
There is a generational shift on the perception and outlook of a romantic relationship. This film represents the young mind of today’s generation. Personally, I am a bit traditional when it comes to relationships.
On wearing a red underwear:
I think I am very comfortable in my own body. I am very besharam that way. To be honest, for me, physical nudity means nothing. For me as an actor, I am letting you into a much more intimate part of me. I am letting you into my soul essentially. So I can’t be more naked than that. So physical nudity for me doesn’t compare. I have put a lot more on display that is a lot more intimate.
On Shah Rukh Khan’s padded underwear:
Koffee With Karan ka episode bahut kamaal aur dhamaal ka tha. When it’ll be telecast, you all are going to have fun. I’ve responded to this in Koffee With Karan episode, so you have to watch the episode when it’ll be telecast.
On demonitisation:
Main toh Befikre hoon. I don’t understand numbers. Neither Maths nor Economics. All I know is ‘papa…papa is their anything to worry about and his response, nahin beta’. So ya I am a Befikre. I don’t have knowledge about these things, so I am not actually qualified to comment on it.
On being Emraan Hashmi part II:
I don’t wanna be anyone’s part two. I just want to be Ranveer. Emraan Hashmi is an unexplored artiste and there is so much left in him to be explored and with the right opportunity, he’ll show everyone that he is much more than just his reputation of kissing. He is a fabulous artiste and I’ve known him even before I became an actor and I am really looking forward to his upcoming films.
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