Priyanka Chopra took to Twitter to write an emotional letter after the verdict of Nirbhaya case came out yesterday. Ther Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Delhi High Court to hang four convicts. Giving the order the apex court said it was a barbaric act and couldn’t be forgiven. Expressing her views on the matter, Priyanka said that justice has prevailed in the matter.
“Yes, it has taken five long years, but today justice finally prevailed. The flame of this verdict should singe not just the dastardly four (of the other two, one is dead and one accused is a juvenile) but such perpetrators in India as well,” Priyanka shared on Twitter.
“”The brutal, barbaric and demoniacal conduct of the convicts shook the conscience if humanity and they don’t deserve leniency,” said the Supreme Court while reading out the death sentence to the four accused in the Nirbhaya raoe-cum-murder case. I’m so Proud of the justice system for hearing her voice.. in her dying declaration she appealed that her perpetrators not be spared. Justice – that was what the entire country demanded five years ago and never let the nation forget. Each voice that joined the battle was strident and clear – the six must be punished. Finally, they will pay. The brutality of such crimes is something I refuse to accept!!,” her note further read
That, we, as a modern 21st century allow such heinous things to happen to our women never ceases to trouble me. Unfortunately, the past can never be undone. So, we move on and make a promise to ourselves. That when an entire country is unified in wanting something, action is taken. That awakening, this unified voice to stop such brutal and demoniacal crimes, as our Supreme Court said, is what we must never let go onto mute mode.”
“You will never be forgotten Nirbhaya,” Priyanka concluded the post.
Also read: Nirbhaya’s mother demands dedicated, fast-track courts for sexual assault cases
Nirbhaya, whose real name was Jyoti Singh, was raped on a moving bus on 16 December 2012. The 23-year-old physiotherapy intern succumbed to injuries and her rape case was something that got the tag- ‘rarest of the rare’. Such was the barbaric attack on her that it shook the nation and made everyone call for justice for her.
After waiting for almost five years justice was served in this case and everyone welcomed the decision. Apart from Priyanka, few other Bollywood celebs too took to Twitter to write about the judgement.
Here are a few tweets:
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) May 5, 2017
Justice has been delivered in the #NirbhayaCase. I hope that this verdict serves as a deterrent to the monsters in our society…
— Dia Mirza (@deespeak) May 5, 2017
And finally, justice prevails .. #NirbhayaCase … and I hope this sets a precedent in each and every such heinous case ..
— Rohit Bose Roy (@rohitroy500) May 5, 2017
Nirbhaya verdict.Justice prevails.Being in a civil society,in this case,”Public Hanging” was needed to set an example for an everyday menace
— Rishi Kapoor (@chintskap) May 5, 2017
Reportedly, the courtroom broke into a round of applause when the judge announced the sentence. Many people on Twitter said it was a tight slap on everyone who disrespected women.
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