Both Hindi Medium and Half Girlfriend are going well at the Box Office. The two films which released last Friday, on May 19 have not done exceedingly well but their growth is evident. While the Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor starrer opened to a strong Box Office start by raking in Rs 10. 27 crore, the Irrfan Khan film could garner mere Rs 2. 81 crore. However, the brilliant mouth of the word around Hindi Medium lead to a fantastic growth and the film jumped to mint Rs 4. 25 crore, which is approx a 51. 25 percent of growth. On the other hand, Half Girlfriend just maintained a steady pace and collected almost as much as it collected on its first day — Rs 10. 63 crore.
After their first weekend, while the Mohit Suri directorial stands at Rs 32. 04 crore, Hindi Medium has shown an exceptional growth by minting Rs 12. 56 crore at the Box Office. Here’s the first weekend Box Office breakdown of both the films:
Friday: Rs 2. 81 crore
Saturday: Rs 4. 25 crore
Sunday: Rs 5. 50 crore
Friday: Rs 10. 27 crore
Saturday: Rs 10. 63 crore
Sunday: Rs 11. 14 crore
The Baahubali fever has evidently eaten into the business of both the films. But if closely observe, despite Half Girlfriend‘s good Box Office collection, it’s Hindi Medium which has seen the real growth. This is also important because the number of screens allotted to the Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar film is much less than the number of screens that the Chetan Bhagat written film has. While Half Girlfriend has been released on 2500 screens, Hindi Medium has a number of 1126 screens.
Interestingly, both the films are based on the concept of language triggering the class divide in the society. While Half Girlfriend could not really garner good movie reviews, Hindi Medium has been widely praised for its content and performances.
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