Half Girlfriend starring Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor released today. Directed by Mohit Suri and based on a bestselling novel by Chetan Bhagat, the movie has created a buzz since it went on floors. This is the first time that Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor have teamed up for a movie. The trailer and the songs of Half Girlfriend got mixed reviews from the audience.
What the trailer told us about the movie was that it is about Madhav Jha’s undying love for Riya Somani. Belonging from Bihar, Madhav played by Arjun Kapoor, came to Delhi to pursue higher studies. In the capital of the country, he met Riya, the star student of St. Stephens College played by Shraddha Kapoor and fell heads over heels in love with her.
But, Madhav and Riya’s love story was not a fairy tale one. When Riya agreed to be Madhav’s half girlfriend, he did not decipher its consequences. What followed was a lot of heartbreak and complications.
Half Girlfriend was religiously promoted by the team across all platforms. Speaking about the movie, Arjun and Shraddha said on many occasions that it was not just a love story and had much more to it.
Also read: Half Girlfriend Screening: Ranveer Singh’s pants are a nightmare
With the movie releasing today, let us find out if Arjun and Shraddha’s statements about the movie are true or not. Check the live updates here:
11: 18 AM: Last moments and finally its over
11: 10 AM: Madhav Jha delivers a speech at the UN. Wow!
11: 00 AM: Madhav is the Hindi tutor. Break up- toot jaana, Friends with benefits- dost ek fayde anek!
10: 57 AM: Rhea Chakraborty makes a cameo.
10: 54 AM: Madhav is still the same heartbroken prince, drinking and looking for Riya even here.
10: 53 AM: Perils of being half-girlfriend zoned. You become a bad student, travel from Simraon to Patna while running
10: 49 AM: If a firang can speak such fluent Hindi, why can’t you Prince Madhav Jha despite being taught by multi-talented Ms Somani? Food for thought!
10: 46 AM: Madhav Jha delivers a speech in English before one of the world’s richest men in the world. Oh Bollywood!
10: 36 AM: A basketball player, singer and now an English tutor. Riya is a multi-tasker. But Madhav can’t learn English
10: 31 AM: Riya and Madhav search for a home while sailing on a boat along the Ganges
10: 25 AM: Now the story moves to Patna. Those from the capital city of Bihar, answer this question. Is it easy to find an accommodation there?
10: 18 AM: Movie resumes, cut to New York
10: 10 AM: And it’s intermission
Also read: If not the trailer, the trailer launch event of Half Girlfriend was super fun, see pics
10: 06 AM: The story moves to Madhav’s hometown Simraon in Bihar. By the way, he is a prince! #TrueStory
9: 58 AM: Vikrant Massey is amazing as Madhav’s friend who is wiser than our NBA star
9: 49 AM: Another singing opportunity for Shraddha!
9: 46 AM: Madhav knows every single detail about Riya, courtesy Facebook. Cyber stalker!
9: 38 AM: When not playing half court with Madhav, all Riya does is grab a guitar and start singing. Kahin bhi!
9: 33 AM: Arjun Kapoor is Bollywood’s LeBron James in this Chetan Bhagat adaptation
9: 26 AM: Arjun Kapoor deserves to be playing in NBA. His success rate in 100 per cent.
9: 20 AM: Shraddha Kapoor and rain dance songs are inseparable
9:15 AM: Arjun’s Bihari accent is a letdown but Shraddha Kapoor’s confidence in her entry- Wow!
9:04 AM: Enters a nervous Madhav Jha, facing interviewees in St Stephen’s
Read this to know why we think Arjun Kapoor’s Bihari accent was not at all up to the mark: Arjun Kapoor’s Bihari accent in Chetan Bhagat’s Half Girlfriend is both flawed and demeaning
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