Chetan Bhagat’s popular book Half Girlfriend is being adapted for the silver screen. It stars Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in lead roles and the trailer has given quite the sneak peek of the movie and we don’t seem impressed. The story of how Madhav Jha fell in love with Riya Somani and how their lives panned out, did not live up to the expectations.
The story is established in the first shot itself as Madhav Jha tries to get through the interview for St. Stephen’s College. After getting a seat in one the most prestigious institutes of India, Madhav meets Riya. They click instantly, go out on dates and have all the fun. The catch is, however, that Riya doesn’t want to be his girlfriend and settled to be his half girlfriend.
In the clip, almost everything seems out of place. Arjun’s accent, Shraddha denying his love, the anger of his friend Shailendra (played by Vikrant Messi) and even the flow seemed weird. Even the scene where Arjun and Shraddha fought didn’t quite leave a mark.
The trailer then showed how Madhav started on a journey from India to abroad in search of Riya.
However, it should be noted that it was refreshing to see Arjun and Shraddha. They seemed quite comfortable around each other making their chemistry palpable. While Shraddha has done quite a great job at playing the Delhi girl, Arjun’s Bihari act proves to be a letdown. His accent seems superimposed and so do his mannerisms.
The last time Arjun Kapoor played a Chetan Bhagat character on screen was in 2 States and he pulled the character in an impressive manner. As the Punjabi boy, Krish Malhotra who is torn between his family and love for a Tamil Brahmin girl, Arjun Kapoor left everyone awed. It is left to be seen if Arjun Kapoor manages to weave the same magic again.
Directed by Mohit Suri, Half Girlfriend will release on 19 May. It is produced by Balaji Motion Pictures and Rishi Rich, Mithoon, Farhan Saeed, Tanishk Bagchi, Raju Singh have composed music for the movie.
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