Shahid Kapoor, who is busy shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming movie, Padmavati finally clarifies the rumours of being part of the director’s next, Tuesdays and Fridays. Talking about the project recently, the actor said that he has not signed any movie after Padmavati and he isn’t even worried about not being seen on screen.
“I have not signed anything after Padmavati and it isn’t a thing to worry about. You should only worry when you are not doing a good film. It’s ok to wait and do good movies. I want to be associated with films that have good content and are entertaining at the same time,” said Shahid.
Rumours have it that Shahid Kapoor has been signed for Bhansali’s Tuesdays and Fridays, a light hearted romantic comedy. However, as contrary to the rumours, Shahid wants people to wait for a final announcement. Adding to it, he said: “I read about it. But I haven’t signed anything after Padmavati. So wait for an (official) announcement.”
The actor, who recently won the best actor award for his performance in Udta Punjab at IIFA 2017 also gave away more details about Padmavati. Praising the film, he said: “I am not supposed to talk much about the film. All I can say is it’s an amazing cast and it is going to be a spectacular visual experience. I am having an amazing time on it. Wait for it, it’s coming in November.”
Padmavati is slated to release by the end of this year. It should also be noted that Shahid’s last on screen outing, Rangoon opposite Kangana Ranaut and Saif Ali Khan happened to be a Box Office dud. And in order to keep the reign of his successful performances alive, his charm with SLB’s Padmavati has to work at the Box Office.
On the work front, Shahid was last seen in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Rangoon that did not do well at the box office. Directed by Bhardwaj, the film also featured Kangana Ranaut and Saif Ali Khan in pivotal roles.
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