Shraddha Kapoor shared the first look of Haseena on social networking websites a short while ago and she looked menacing as hell. The film which is based on the story of underworld don Dawood Ibrahim’s sister Haseena Parkar will have Shraddha playing the titular role. Shraddha’s dark kohled eyes, perfectly kempt hair and stern look made for a fearless attitude in the poster.
The poster had the tagline- The Queen of Mumbai, true to what Haseena Parkar was in real life. The biopic directed by Apoorva Lakhia will trace the life of Haseena from her late teenage years (17) to a fearless woman of 40. Haseena is also the first film that will feature Shraddha Kapoor along with her brother Sidhant. The film is slated for a release on 14 July.
Before Shraddha was finalized for the role, there were reports that Sonakshi Sinha will play the protagonist in the film. But it was the Rock On 2 actress who landed the role. Talking about the film, Shraddha had earlier confessed of her only regret- that she couldn’t meet Haseena in real life.
During the shooting of the film, members of Haseena’s family met Shraddha and the entire cast on the sets. Haseena’s family even brought few of her belongings to gift to Shraddha. These included her reading glasses, nose ring, and her favorite lipstick. An onlooker had revealed that the members of the family were happy with the way the movie was being shot.
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Here is the first look that Shraddha shared:
Haseena gained limelight in the underworld when her husband was allegedly killed by members of Arun Gawli gang. She was hailed as the ‘Godmother’ of the crime world and was allegedly involved in businesses including hawala rackets, extortion and negotiating overseas rights of Bollywood films. She passed away in 2014 after suffering a cardiac arrest.
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