Shraddha Kapoor and her brother Siddhant Kapoor has teamed up for the first time in the upcoming movie Haseena. The movie tells the story of Haseena Parkar, the sister of Dawood Ibrahim and how she became the Godmother for many. This Apoorva Lakhia directorial created quite a buzz owing to the different looks that Shraddha donned for it. Now the teaser of the movie has been released and it somehow fails to impress.
The teaser starts by giving a little idea of Haseena’s life, the sister of the dreaded don Dawood Ibrahim. It also shows glimpses of the what happened after the blast in Mumbai and the lives which were destroyed. The over one-minute teaser talks about how Haseena was interrogated by the police to learn about Dawood.
Though the makers have tried hard to bring the reality in front of the camera, it doesn’t seem convincing. The first few seconds of the teaser focuses on Siddhant. However, the mannerisms of Siddhant don’t come close to Dawood and one can be put off right at the start of the teaser. The teaser ends on a note where Shraddha refuses to say her name and says Aapa is enough.
Also read: Teaser poster of Haseena: The Queen of Mumbai out, Shraddha Kapoor looks every bit a gangster
The movie was marketed as the one in which people will get to know about the unknown story of Haseena. But a look at the teaser and it feels that the topic was wasted. However, not being the one to jump the gun quickly, it would be best to wait for more from the movie to the surface.
Haseena is slated for a release on 18 August.
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