SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus Baahubali: The Conclusion redefined the norms of storytelling on the silver screen. Right from when it was getting filmed to its Box Office overhaul, the film continued to rule headlines. And now when the trailer of Padmavati has dropped in, we can’t stop discussing the Sanjay Leela Bhansali directorial. From each frame to every dialogue, from uplifting music to realistic sets and looks of each character, Padmavati seems to have been shot with perfection. This Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus looks grander than all the historical dramas that have come out of the Hindi movie industry and will set the benchmarks for period dramas to follow in Bollywood. You must be wondering why we are talking about Baahubali and Padmavati together. The answers to this lie in the similarities between both the movies.
Those who have watched Baahubali: The Begining and Baahubali: The Conclusion closely, they know what all visual treats Rajamouli had offered. Similarly, going by its trailer, Bhansali’s Padmavati exudes such grandeur that you can’t take your eyes off for even a second.
Here’s a list of five scenes where Padmavati reminded us of Baahubali:
1. Ranveer Singh aka Ala-ud-din Khilji looks ruthless as the villain in Baahubali: The Beginning:
Bhansali has left no stones unturned to present Ranveer as the ultimate villain Bollywood has seen yet. His ruthless expressions give you goosebumps and chills run down the spine. Also, it reminds us of the king of the Kalakeyas Inkoshi in Baahubali. Don’t believe us? Here’s the proof:
2. Ranveer Singh’s fight sequence reminding Bhallaladeva’s Bullfight scene:
Ala-ud-din Khilji’s powerful expression during a fight sequence in Padmavati took us back to the visually epic Bhallaladeva’s bullfighting scene.
3. Army of soldiers marching during a war sequence:
An army of Khilji’s soldiers can be seen marching for war in Padmavati’s trailer and this too reminded us of the army of the king of the Kalakeyas Inkoshi in Baahubali.
4. Deepika Padukone aka Padmavati’s gracious walk reminding Devasena’s look:
In Padmavati trailer, Deepika gracious walks remind us of beautiful Devasena in Baahubali: The Conclusion.
5. Shahid Kapoor aka Maharawal Ratan Singh reminding Baahubali:
The King of Chittor, Maharawal Ratan Singh’s glimpse in the trailer reminded us of Baahubali’s entrance before being crowned as the king of Mahishmati.
Also read: Ranveer Singh as the ruthless Alauddin Khilji is the BEST thing about Padmavati trailer
If mere glimpses of scenes in Padmavati‘s trailer reminded us of SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus, we wonder what’s more to follow when the film releases on December 1.
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