Bollywood actress Raveena Tandon is all set to make her comeback with upcoming film Maatr. But before it’s release, the film became the talk of the town not only for her comeback but for several other reasons. The film has recently faced many controversies due to an allegation on film’s producer Anjum Rizvi. And now, speculation was rife that the Censor Board of Film Certification’s(CBFC) banned this Raveena Tandon starrer. However, Denying the reports of CBFC’s ban on Raveena Tandon starrer ‘Maatr,’ CEO Anurag Shrivastava said that the examination committee is still in process and the result will be conveyed in a day or two.
“The screening of the movie ‘Maatr’ for CBFC was done yesterday evening and at the moment there is no screening of ‘Maatr’ again. The ban on the movie is false, as the examination committee is still in process and the result will be conveyed in a day or two,” he said.
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For the unversed, reports were doing the rounds that ‘Maatr’ has been banned by the CBFC and the reason behind this alleged ban was the film’s violent rape scenes.
Earlier the actress herself reacted over the released date of the film and clarified media that everything has been sorted and the film would release on April 21.
Also Read: Maatr vs Noor on 21 April, will Sonakshi Sinha’s magic overshadow Raveena Tandon’s come-back?
Ashtar Sayed directed Maatr is an upcoming Indian revenge thriller, written by Michael Pellico. The upcoming film will clash with Sonakshi Sinha’s Noor. The film features her in the role of a journalist. So it will be interesting to watch if Sonakshi Sinha’s magic overshadows Raveena Tandon’s comeback or not. Maatr is slated to release on April 21, 2017.
On the film front, Raveena has last appeared in a cameo role in Anurag Kashyap’s Bombay Velvet.
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