Kangana Ranaut said that historical films have become a trend in Bollywood, citing Baahubali 2’s success at the box office. However, she said that her upcoming film Manikarnika – The Queen Of Jhansi is different. The three-times National Award winning actor was in Varanasi to announce the release date of her film.
As the title suggests, the film directed by Krish is a biopic of Rani Laxmi Bai. She said,”I agree that I am rebellious but she (Rani Laxmi Bai) was a rebel with a cause that makes her a hero…I rebel because if my instincts want me too. So that makes me a badass. She’s a hero. “She is from our country. If she was from some other country how would they celebrate her spirit? So, we as a nation need to give her, her due,” Kangana said.
Asked if this film will be the climax of her acting career, she said
There are projects and then there are films that are sort of fulfil something within you. When I was 15 and left home, I didn’t know when I will feel that I have arrived or achieved something and that feeling didn’t came post when I started working on ‘Jhansi Ki Rani’…just felt like everything made sense you know.
Kangana said that her life has come to a full circle.
Before this no amount of failure or success could make me feel like an achiever and now I feel I just don’t want to waste.
Talking about having a biopic on her life, Kangana said:
I personally feel I have a long way to go…I still feel I haven’t got into the field that I actually feel very passionate about, which is filmmaking.
Kangana feels that she will be known better as a filmmaker than an actor.
Also read: Acting, writing and now directing: Kangana Ranaut reveals details of her first directorial venture
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