Bollywood actress Twinkle Khanna, who shares a very close bond with filmmaker Karan Johar, wants him to make the second part of My Name Is Khan. But interestingly, what grabbed our attention was its title, My Name is Khanna. Well, before you guys jump to any conclusion, we wanted to tell you that we are not confirming anything about the sequel of My Name Is Khan. Twinkle, who recently shared her new TVC on her Twitter page, is the reason behind all this. Twinkle has featured in a mobile phone ad that left Karan Johar surprised, as he took no time to react on her post. He wrote: So…@mrsfunnybones you nail it with your words and now your excelling in front of the camera….you go girl!!!!
Twinkle, who is best known for her outspoken nature, replied to Karan’s tweet. Check out their tweets here:
Navigating through manic Mondays armed with my Google Pixel and dozens of lame jokes #DayWithPixel @googleindia
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) April 3, 2017
So…@mrsfunnybones you nail it with your words and now your excelling in front of the camera….you go girl!!!!
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) April 3, 2017
Hmm..Since you are so impressed can I suggest a sequel to My Name is Khan -add 2 alphabets call it My Name is Khanna and cast me 🙂
— Twinkle Khanna (@mrsfunnybones) April 3, 2017
With their sweet interaction on Twitter, we must say that they are surely going to give some major BFF goals to other Bollywood stars. Meanwhile, her husband and actor Akshay Kumar also commented on her post and wrote: This is what happens when Google googles your wife.
This is what happens when Google googles your wife
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) April 3, 2017
Also Read: Twinkle Khanna lashes out at TVF head Arunabh Kumar over alleged molestation row
Twinkle, who started off as an actress, became an entrepreneur and she is now creating waves with her books and column. Daughter of veteran actress Dimple Kapadia and the late superstar Rajesh Khanna, Twinkle featured in films like Barsaat, Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai, and Mela among others.
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