Aamir Khan, who has never shied away from experimenting with different looks, revealed that his wife Kiran Rao didn’t want him to play Shakti Kumar’s character in Secret Superstar. After portraying the character of Mahavir Singh Phogat in Dangal, Aamir will now be seen in a very unusual avatar in Secret Superstar. Besides launching the trailer of the film on Wednesday, August 2, the actor revealed that he and his wife were both quite apprehensive about him taking up the role and hence decided to go for a screen test.
“When I heard the story for the first time, I loved it a lot. But the director Advait Chandan asked me to play Shakti Kumar’s character. I told him I couldn’t see myself in that role. Kiran also didn’t want me to do this role. So, I decided to go through the screen test process. Then while doing the screen test, I had fun and this was a very unusual character, completely opposite of me. So it proved to be a challenge for me as an actor to make the audience believe in the character,” said Aamir, who was present along with wife Kiran Rao in Mumbai.
Kiran, who has co-produced the film, also spoke about her apprehension of Aamir playing the role and added: “I told him not to do this role as (I felt) he won’t be able to do it. It’s kind of a creepy character… He is a kind of guy who you really don’t want to hang out with alone in a room. So I told him, ‘Please don’t do this role as it will be very weird to do such a character after a film like Dangal.
Further talking about the same, she said: “But when we went through the screen test, we laughed so much that we were convinced he can do this role too. But he wasn’t the original fit.”
Also Read: Secret Superstar poster gives no hint of Aamir Khan but promises an innocent mystery
Also starring Dangal fame Zaira Wasim, Secret Superstar narrates the story of a teenage girl who dreams of becoming a singer despite facing familial setbacks. The film will release in October.
Source: IANS
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