Taapsee Pannu is on cloud nine after the release of her film Naam Shabana and it looks like the actress has decided to be the torch bearer of women empowerment in India. Taapsee, who plays the role of a spy in the film, feels that women safety is a big concern in our country and every girl should know how to protect oneself.
Pannu, who underwent rigorous training to prepare for her character is distraught over women’s safety that recently she wrote to Mata Jai Kaur Public School and Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute of Technology in New Delhi, where she studied, to introduce self-defense classes.
She requested the authorities of the respective institute’s to start with self-defense and martial arts classes soon in their premises so that at early age girls in school learn to empower themselves through self-defense. She also ensured whatever help is required for this initiative will be taken care by the actress.
Says Tapsee, “I think with the given situation we are in it’s important to empower girls from a young age and I feel self-defense as a concept has nothing to do with someone’s sex. One should be strong and should be able to learn how to tackle a situation should it arise where their security is being threatened. I think a change always starts with small steps and for me, that was to reach out to my school and request and assist them to begin a course for self-defense for students from a young age. The idea isn’t to just let them learn how to combat but also understand the importance of self-security and know when to utilise their self-defense knowledge.”
Her principal shared her letter with management and they are introducing self-defense and karate in the school. For this, they have already enrolled a professional who will coach them in the upcoming vacation. Well, we must say Taapsee Pannu is truly an inspiration for all of us.
Here’a look at the letter:
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