Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar starrer Hindi Medium is set to hit the theatres on May 19. It will clash with Half Girlfriend that features Arjun Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor in lead roles. Directed by Saket Chaudhary, Hindi Medium is a story about a couple struggling to get their daughter admitted to a private English medium school in Delhi. The makers have described it to be a light-hearted comedy film about a Chandni Chowk-based family trying hard to find space in Delhi’s upper elite.
The film had run into controversy with the Censor Board asking the producers to add a disclaimer that it was a work of fiction.
Stay tuned for live updates.
07:45 pm: “Hum shuddh gareeb hai.” Deepak Dobriyal rocks
07:42 pm: Deepak Dobriyal, known as Pappiji from Tanu Weds Manu series, makes a grand entry into the film. More laughter guaranteed
07:37 pm: The second half begins.
07:34 pm: And it’s an intermission.
07:27 pm: Meanwhile, check out the Suit Buit song from the film. It’s really peppy.
07:22 pm: The film had run into trouble with the censor board as it wanted the makers to add a disclaimer stating that the movie is a work of fiction.
07:18 pm: This scene claiming ‘ye chai desh ko connect krti hai’ is such a strong one
07:13 pm: This film is a complete laugh riot
07:07 pm: Praying to Gods, taking classes and what not, these parents are adamant to get her child a top class school in Delhi
07:03 pm: Irrfan gets more amazing with every scene.
07:00 pm: Bachchon ne sahi time par beizzati karni hai: Irrfan when her kid refuses to recite a poem in front of a stranger
06:52 pm: Hindi Medium is just not about education It also talks about blatant class difference
06:46 pm: Is desh ne angrezi zuban nahi hai, class hai class… Again a strong one-liner but this time from Saba Qamar
Also read:Irrfan Khan turns into memes for promoting Hindi Medium
06:43 pm: Saba Qamar is such a good actress. Surprised to see her getting the perfect Old Delhi accent
06:41 pm: Haha, Irrfan at his comic best. What one liners. “Customer Bhagwaan hota hai par biwi maata rani hoti hai”
06:38 pm: The film starts with his childhood and a beautiful Atif Aslam song
06:35 pm: Yohoo..I didn’t know Irrfan looked so cute in his teens
06:30 pm: The movie begins.
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