Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be sharing the screen space with Tiger Shroff in his upcoming film Munna Michael. The National Award winning actor plays a gangster Mahinder Fauji who has a keen interest in dance and asks Munna to teach him. A versatile actor he is, Siddiqui can pull off any role offered to him. Having made his debut as an informer in Sarfarosh in 1999, the 43-year-old actor shot to fame by playing gangster Faisal Khan in Anurag Kashyap’s critically acclaimed franchise Gangs of Wasseypur. The iconic role catapulted him to stardom and there was no looking back since then. The film inspired by the bloody gang wars in Wasseypur area of Dhanbad (Jharkhand) has been discussed among various film pundits. The characters and dialogues have acquired a cult status among the masses. Siddiqui’s character Faisal Khan was ruthless, street-smart and was destined to rule over the fiefdom built by his late father Sardar Khan in the movie. Here are a few qualities of him that can be inculcated in real life. Let us tell you, we aren’t glorifying gangsters.
A dark horse
Faisal Khan was Wasseypur don Sardar Khan’s second son after Danish. He started smoking gaanja (cannabis) right at the early age. He was stoned even when his father and elder brother Danish were murdered in broad daylight. He immediately reacted to the situation and promised to his mother that he would avenge the gruesome murder of his kin.
Also read: Here’s how Nawazuddin Siddiqui overshadows Tiger Shroff in Munna Michael trailer [Watch Video]
A diplomat
If you thought Faisal was stoned 24×7 and did not give a damn about the business empire his father had built, you are wrong. After taking over the reins of the empire, he met his father’s arch-enemy Ramadhir Singh. It is unlike his elder brother Danish who had intentions of taking revenge but was too hot-headed to establish himself and then proceed further. It is not that Faisal had forgotten his promise made to his mother. But he decided to approach things in a sensible manner.
He knows everything
Faisal lacked the business acumen of his father Sardar Khan, and did not care as long as the coffers were being filled with huge wealth. He had an army of lieutenants who would ensure that his business empire continued to expand beyond Dhanbad. But he kept a hawk eye on the doings of people trading with him. When Shamshad Alam tried to fool him, Faisal immediately came to know about it. Similarly, he knew it was his best friend Fazlu who had killed Sardar Khan and Danish. Seizing the opportunity, Faisal killed him.
Bollywood fan
When not smoking cannabis or taking on his rivals, Faisal Khan was a die-hard movie buff. His love for Bollywood was reflected in the his professional and personal life. He even eliminated his father’s killer in a filmy fashion.
If you remember, Faisal was an excellent dancer too. There is a scene in the first instalment wherein Sardar openly challenges Ramadhir Singh by taking out a rally in the MLA’s area.
A shy, but true lover
Faisal fell in love with Mohsina at the wedding of his elder brother Danish. He left no stone unturned in wooing her. But a shy Faisal was low on confidence after being snubbed on touching her hand without ‘permission’. But once he established himself as a don, he personally asked her hand for marriage. What swag!
Most importantly, he remained loyal to his wife Mohsina till his last breath. It was totally contrary to his father Sardar Khan who married Durga, who in turn was ambitious and her tipoff to Ramadhir proved to be fatal for the don.
True to his word
Faisal Khan had promised that he would avenge the murders of his father, grandfather and brother. And he did. In spite of facing a daring attack on his family by Sultan Qureshi, he bounced back and eliminated every single person who harmed his family. Last but not the least, he surrounded Ramadhir Singh and killed him.
Also read: Happy Birthday Nawazuddin Siddiqui: Here’s a look at his successful Bollywood journey — Watch
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