Harshvardhan Kapoor is miffed with Filmfare after—at a recently held award function—the best debut male actor award went to Diljit Dosanjh. Kapoor, who made his big Bollywood debut with Mirzya, took home a couple of awards earlier this year. He was expecting similar results at Filmfare as well, but his hopes went south when Diljit was given the award for Udta Punjab. In an interview to Mid-day, Harshvardhan Kapoor lashed out at the organizers.
In the interview, Harshvardhan asked why was Diljit Dosanjh given the award. The argument given by Junior Kapoor was that Diljit is already an established Punjabi actor, so how come he made a debut with Udta Punjab? He argued if Leonardo di Caprio worked in a Hindi film, will he be given a debutante award?
We wonder what Filmfare organisers have to say about these allegations.
Also read: Not just Akshay Kumar at Filmfare, Bollywood awards are too ‘star-struck’ to appreciate quality work
This year, the Filmfare awards were shrouded in controversy even before the event took place. After the nominations were announced, many expressed displeasure as prominent names, including that of Akshay Kumar, were left out. Many critics of the awards termed the event biased and accused it of being available on sale.
In fact, singer Amaal Mallik posted a scathing Facebook post asking on what basis were the nominations chosen? He asked why Randeep Hooda wasn’t given a nomination for Sarbjit when he almost killed himself for it? The singer admitted to being ashamed since he was nominated for Baaghi.
Also read: Not only Aishwarya, Amaal Mallik questions his own Filmfare nomination in brave Facebook post
Harshvardhan’s statement on the issue hints that not every celebrity of tinselvile is happy with the way Filmfare were conducted this year. He said:
Although I picked up two debutant awards earlier, I was really looking forward to winning the black lady. But I guess every awards event has its own parameters. I’ll be honest, though. I think a debutant award is meant for someone working on his first film. It shouldn’t go to an actor who has worked in several films in another industry or language.For instance, if Leonardo DiCaprio works in a Hindi film, is he making an acting debut? He has already worked in so many Hollywood films
Maybe, this calls for a retrospection.
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