Akshay Kumar is in the midst of a controversy over winning National Award for his role in Rustom, but his Tashan co-star Saif Ali Khan feels it is okay. “Someone had joked that if I could win an award for Hum Tum, it was okay for Akshay to win it for Rustom,” he said at the Express Adda event in Mumbai.During the event, Saif answered questions on a lot of issues related to intolerance, award wapasi and others.
During the discussion, he also spoke on intolerance, saying that the issue has always been there in the Indian society, and people are just overreacting when they talk about it. The actor has bore the brunt of Internet trolls over the name of his son Taimur.”It’s nothing new. The voices that you hear, I think, because of social media have become easy to hear but they have always been there.”
“It’s nothing new. The voices that you hear, I think, because of social media have become easy to hear but they have always been there,” the actor said.
“There are people who have been saying that I should return my award. But if someone is unhappy with the institution and wish to return his/her award. It’s great. Maybe it was a publicity stunt,” he added further. With the country being governed by BJP-led NDA at the Centre and most of the states, the Rangoon actor was asked whether India was turning into a more right-wing state. Here came his reply,”Things have definitely changed. Not only India, but most of the countries are becoming right-wing.
Also read: Taimur name controversy: Saif Ali Khan was about to change son’s name but didn’t. Know why
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