In a place like India, addressing or even talking about depression is still a big deal and is not considered okay. But in the past, Bollywood celebs like Karan Johar, Deepika Padukone, and Anushka Sharma broke the taboo around it and spoke about their own personal experience of battling depression in a bid to spread awareness about mental illness. Now, Ileana D’Cruz has become the latest Bollywood celebrity to talk about depression and mental illness.
In a video for a leading clothing brand, Ileana spoke about battling depression and how she used to go from being happy to sad in a matter of just a few seconds. The Baadshaho actress revealed that she did not understand the reason behind her extreme mood swings, and why she sometimes even felt like ending her life despite having everything.
Ileana revealed that she never wanted to be an actress. The reason, she said, was because she was too self-conscious. She said,
“I was shy, self-conscious person once I hit my teens. I was constantly hit on for my body type. The obsession started when I was 15. My entire life goal was to be accepted by everyone. I never got it. I did not know I had body disorder. There was a period, approx three years ago. I was completely depressed. The most comforting thought was to end things. But I realised it did not seem right.”
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Ileana added that it was impossible for her to imagine that a person like could have depression or anxiety. She said:
I never expected myself to be someone who’d deal with anxiety or depression. I have got every possible thing I want and more. When people ask me, “why are you so depressed?”, I still don’t know sometimes. But then they told me you do have anxiety and are going through Body dysmorphic disorder. It was the acceptance that helped me immediately.
Ileana then took it upon herself to fight against this and stayed strong during the entire process. The actress said she learned what others thought about her. Ileana said,
Acceptance is the first step towards being a better you. I’m trying every day. You are human, you are supposed to be flawed.
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After learning Ileana’s story, it is quite clear that no one can understand how and when depression creeps into our lives. But, the most important aspect is acknowledgment and acceptance. If you get this right, half the battle is won. Thanks Ileana for sharing your experience and telling people that speaking about the issue is very important.
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