Ever since she set the silver screen on fire with her Laila O Laila song in Raees, Sunny Leone is on a high. The actor recently performed at the audio launch event of filmmaker Puri Jagannadh’s venture Rogue. It is now learned that Sunny might play a full-fledged role in the director’s upcoming film as the filmmakers are planning to make a bilingual film which might feature the gorgeous actor. “I saw Sunny in Raees and she was fantastic. But I seriously don’t want to limit her talent for an item number. I would have her as a full-fledged actor and have charted big plans for her,” the filmmaker told DNA.
Jagannadh, who directed Amitabh Bachchan in 2011 flick Bbuddah..Hoga Tera Baap said the discussions with Sunny are underway and an official announcement will be made soon. Recently, Sunny was offered the highest remuneration for a stage performance when she tapped her feet at Rogue music launch. The director had heaped praises on the Ek Paheli Leela actor and described her as a very talented actor. Recently, it was reported that Sunny might perform with Canadian pop icon Justin Bieber at his Mumbai concert on 10 May. However, she denied the rumours and said she wished it were true. However, she will be attending the gala event.
Sunny will be sharing screen space with Arbaaz Khan in Tera Intezaar. She will also do an item number in Baadshaho, which features Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Esha Gupta and Ileana D’ Cruz. The film is slated for theatrical release on 1 September.
Also read: Kangana Ranaut and Sunny Leone episodes have exposed the misogynistic nature of Bollywood
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