Fans are excited to see Ranbir Kapoor reprise the role of Sanjay Dutt in Rajkumar Hirani’s Dutt biopic. The actor is leaving no stone unturned to perfect the look. Recently, he was spotted at the Bhopal Central Jail to shoot for a pivotal sequence. Earlier it was being said, that the actor and the ace director might not come to Bhopal but they reached the city of lakes early on Wednesday morning.
The movie is one of the most anticipated films of the year. Ranbir Kapoor has gained weight to look exactly like Sanjay Dutt. He has beefed up to look perfect. It is also being said that Anushka Sharma will be seen essaying the role of a journalist in the film. Once she wraps Phillauri promotions, she is soon going to join Ranbir in Bhopal.
Apart from Anushka, it is being reported that the movie will also star Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza and Paresh Rawal in pivotal roles. Paresh Rawal will be seen portraying the role of Sanjay Dutt’s father and veteran actor Sunil Dutt.
In an interview to a popular magazine, Ranbir revealed how Dutt biopic is going to explore the life of Sanjay Dutt. He said that the story will majorly focus on the emotional journey of a father and son. It will also talk about women in Sanjay’s life and his rollercoaster journey of stardom. Ranbir added that the movie will showcase a lot of human flaws and how the youth should learn from mistakes.
Fans went crazy when Ranbir reached Bhopal airport. Here is a video which is doing the rounds on social media where Ranbir can be seen walking past fans at the airport.
Dutt biopic is slated to release this year in December and if rumours are to be believed, it is going to clash with Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif’s most awaited sequel film Tiger Zinda Hai. This is definitely going to be one of the most epic clashes of the year.
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