If you are a Shah Rukh Khan fan, chances are the dialogue ‘Baniye Ka Dimaag, Miyanbhai Ki Daring’ has been etched in your memory for long. The dialogue first crept into our lives when SRK shared the teaser of Raees in 2014. After that fans had to wait for many months before they got to see something more from the movie. And then, towards the end of 2016, Shah Rukh Khan released the trailer of the movie, thereby easing their anxiety on one hand and increasing it on the other.
Now to instigate more curiosity, Shah Rukh shared a dialogue promo of the film. This new promo featured the dialogue mentioned in the beginning of this piece. The teaser gives us a sneak peek into the life of Raees Alam. Till now, all that has been revealed about the movie shows Raees, the bootlegger locking horns with police inspector played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui. But this teaser gave an idea about his life before he became ‘Raees’.
In the teaser, Shah Rukh can be seen ranting to his friend—played by Zeeshan Ayub—how someone takes away all the profit of their hard work. He then proposes to start his own business with a clap-worthy dialogue.
Also read: No one else, but only Shah Rukh Khan is the perfect choice for Raees
Watch the promo here:
With this teaser, there is no shred of doubt left that Raees will have no dearth of dialogues that have the potential to become blockbusters.
Also read: Cobbler makes SRK’s powerful dialogue from Raees his life mantra
Set for a release on 25 January, Raees also stars Pakistani actress Mahira Khan as SRK’s love interest. The movie is helmed by Rahul Dholakia.
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