Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter, Navya Naveli Nanda celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday with friends and had a grand celebration. Wearing a sexy sequined golden dress with high black boots, Navya just rocked the party. Looking at the pictures, it seems that Navya had a gala time partying with her friends.
As soon as pictures of the party were shared by her friends, they went viral. The pictures show the stunning beauty enjoying herself and having a blast. But that’s nothing new for Navya as she has always taken the internet by storm by posting some of her hot and happening pictures on Instagram and other social networking sites. The star kid gets all the attention and has huge fan following on Instagram.
Earlier in the day, mamu Abhishek Bachchan posted a cute picture, wishing the young lady, with a caption, “From singing you to sleep to escorting you down the red carpet, to helping you move into your college dorm. I have done it all with immense pride, because of you and the person that you are. Happy Birthday, Navya. Mamu loves you very much. #worldsbestniece”
Since she comes from the Bachchan family, she has always been in the limelight. Though she comes from a filmy background. According to her mother, Navya has no interest in pursuing a career in acting as of now.
Navya has completed her graduation from Sevenoaks School, London. Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and Navya are batchmates.
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