Kalki Koechlin is one of the most versatile actresses to have worked in Bollywood in recent times. Currently, she is all geared up for her next release Ribbon along with Permanent Roommates fame, Sumeet Vyas. We have seen her deliver power-packed performances in many films like Dev D, Shaitan, Margarita with a Straw and Waiting which are driven by content. The actress, while promoting the film, spoke to InUth and shared her mind on the institution of marriage, young complex relationships, how working women should re-establish themselves after pregnancy, the importance of paternity leaves and more.
Ribbon shows the love and struggles of a young married couple living in a metro city. When asked about her thoughts on the institution of marriage and if she believed that marriage added meaning to our lives, she said,
I think marriage is one form of commitment. I don’t think necessarily you have to get married. To make a relationship work two people must have commitment. For some people marriage is an important part of their culture and religion. But today’s young couple want to live together with commitments without even getting married as well.
Kalki, who is known to be highly opinionated on women-centric issues and feminism, also spoke her mind on working women’s suffering after maternity leaves. Kalki, who essays the role of a working woman in the film, told us,
A lot of people in the corporate world have said that after returning from maternity leave, it’s really hard to come back with the same level. Either they are demotivated or they are paid less. Especially for a successful young career-oriented woman, this can be very humiliating. And that can make loose her confidence.
Kalki also gave her advice to all the working women who want to stand up for themselves after pregnancy. Talking about the need of a supporting husband, she said,
They share their difficulties with the partner is very important for them to understand and help you bear the load. You can’t be superwoman, who is handling the baby, doing the household chores and working too. So if a husband is also working, he should also be involved in some household chores and be looking after the child.”
She further added,
Also, laws could help. We don’t have paternity leaves like maternity leaves. I think that would be important for men to understand the domestic side of life as well. Men do have the burden of family. They are considered the provider and the protector of the family, but today women are also being a provider and working outside. They can also share the load, similarly, men should also share the household load.
Meanwhile, Kalki has a few films and web-series Made in Heaven directed by Zoya Akhtar in her kitty. She will be next seen in Jia Aur Jia alongside Richa Chaddha.
Ribbon is slated to release on November 3.
Check out the trailer of Ribbon here:
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