Ajay Devgn launched the theatrical trailer of Baadshaho at an event in Mumbai where the actor said that it was great to reunite with Emraan Hashmi and Milan Luthria after Once Upon A Time In Mumbai. The actor is hopeful that Baadshaho will receive a response similar to their last outing and believes that the dialogues are the major USP of the film.
A month after Baadshaho, Devgn will again be seen in Golmaal Again, which is the fourth installment of the successful comic franchise, Golmaal. When Ajay Devgn was asked whether consecutive release would affect the Box Office prospects of the films, he said:
“You answered the question yourself as they both are completely different genres. It does not really matter if they are coming back to back. Yes, the films are indeed releasing in a span of two months, but it’s good that both the films are of two different genres and audiences will get to see two different kinds of films. As far as business is concerned, it is not in our hands. It is in the hand of audiences and if the film works, everything works.”
Ajay Devgn also revealed that Baadshaho would not face any issues with the Censor Board as the film does not have the content that would offend the members of the board.
The actor is currently busy shooting for the climax of Golmaal Again in Hyderabad. The theatrical trailer of the Rohit Shetty directorial is expected to be launched along with the release of Baadshaho, which is slated to release on September 1.
Directed by Milan Luthria, Baadshaho features Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Vidyut Jamwal, Ileana D’Cruz and Esha Gupta in lead. The film is set against the backdrop of 1975 emergency.
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