Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar starrer Toilet: Ek Prem Katha is all set to hit the silver screens. And just a month before its release the film has landed into copyright trouble. Filmmaker Praveen Vyas has sued the makers of the film for allegedly copying the plot and scenes from his award-winning documentary Manini.
According to the reports published by leading daily, Vyas has sent a legal notice and a cease and desist notice to the makers of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Vyas’s Manini was the third best film out of the 4,500 entries submitted around the theme of Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI), Goa in 2016.
The reports quoted Vyas as “Manini follows the female protagonist as she protests against the lack of a toilet in her marital home on the first night of her marriage after female relatives wake her up before sunrise to tend to nature’s call in an open field. The scenes in Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’s trailer shows the same interaction between characters.”
However, the team of Toilet: Ek Prerm Katha has denied any sort of allegations. Shital Bhatia, co-producer and of the film and co-founder of Friday Filmworks said, “These allegations are baseless and border on harassment. The script of our film has been registered under our writers’ names, Siddharth and Garima, with the authorised industry association since 2013. Furthermore, the film has been in the public domain through various news stories since July 2015. We firmly deny all the claims made by this gentleman who is obviously misled. It is sad that genuine producers have become soft targets for this kind of a nuisance.”
Shree Narayan Singh’s directorial is scheduled to release on 11 August. The film has also earned accolades from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Here is the documentary Manini by Praveen Vyas:
Also read: PM Narendra Modi lauds Akshay Kumar’s Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Here’s what he said
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