Bollywood’s 50-year old bachelor and self-acclaimed virgin, Salman Khan has always hit headlines about his relationships. Iulia Vantur has now been rumoured to be his girlfriend for quite a while and the two have often times been spotted by the paparazzi. However this time round, it’s Iulia who has hit headline after she crooned a slightly altered version of Khan’s superhit song ‘Main Hoon Hero Tera’.
The Romanian actor sang to the lyrics and posted a video of the same on Facebook and she had altered the lyrics to ‘Tu Hai Hero Mera’. This sent social media and media into a tizzy over speculations of whether this could be a way of showing her love for Salman. She was a special guest at Sandeep Khosla’s charity event called ‘Caring With Style’, where Vantur did not only walk the ramp but also took to singing some of Salman’s movie superhit numbers like ‘Jag Ghoomeya’ and ‘Main Hoon Hero Tera’.
Her altered version of Salman’s song has everyone speculating if the actor is making her love public. In all honesty, she could have just liked the way the song sounds and decided to give it her own version, but her Facebook caption says:
“Happy Valentine’s Day! My gift for u ❤
Sing it to your Valentine, share it to whom deserves to know.”
Now, that’s surely adding enough fuel to the already ignited fire. Iulia Vantur previously made her debut at the Lakme Fashion Week and is back in news with this rendition. It remains to be seen if we ever figure out who she sang it for, though. What do you think?
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