The mystery around the health of veteran actor Vinod Khanna is getting thicker by the day. Since a picture of ailing Vinod Khanna went viral on social media, many people have raised concern over his health. Now, a cryptic tweet by Amitabh Bachchan has made way for rumours that Vinod Khanna might have passed away. Big B took to the website to write about the loss of a near, dear ones and colleague.
This tweet by Big B has led many to believe that the colleague about whom he mentioned is Vinod Khanna.
But, his tweet could have also been Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s father Krishnaraj Rai who passed away a few days ago. Mr Rai was battling illness since many days. His prayer meet was attended by many renowned Bollywood celebs. Kajol, Twinkle Khanna, Shah Rukh Khan, were a few celebs who stood by the Bachchans during the time of mourning.
Also read: Irrfan Khan’s heartfelt message for an ailing Vinod Khanna will make you tear up
Coming back to Vinod Khanna, the yesteryear star was admitted to hospital a few days ago following severe dehydration. The hospital wherein he was admitted released a statement saying that Khanna was recovering and would be discharged soon. However, soon a picture of him did rounds on social media that left everyone in shock. The 70-year-old actor looked weak alongside his wife and son. There were news reports of him suffering from cancer.
The statement from the hospital read, “Mr Vinod Khanna was admitted to Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital on Friday with severe dehydration. He is under care of our doctors and has responded positively to the treatment and is now stable. His family thanks his well wishers for the good wishes and requests to respect their privacy.”
Also read: The viral picture of ailing Vinod Khanna is heart-rending but it also tells us a lot about life
While we wish him a speedy recovery, Amitabh Bachchan’s tweet has got everyone thinking about the current situation of the star. Here is Big B’s tweet:
T 2486 – Strange is it not, that the passing of the near and dear and colleagues, coerces one to start questioning one’s own longevity !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) April 6, 2017
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