Jab Harry Met Sejal witnessed a minor drop in collections on its second day as it raked in around Rs 15 crore on Saturday taking the two day total to Rs 30.25 crore. The drop in collections on second day has almost sealed the fate of the film at the Box Office as a crash in collections on the weekdays in inevitable.
The collections of the Imtiaz Ali directorial are average at the multiplexes however the single screen business is terrible to say the least. Several shows got cancelled at the B and C centers on Saturday. The film was never expected to do well at the single screens, however shows getting cancelled due to lack of audience on the second day itself are signs of danger for the romantic comedy.
The best performing centers are Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata, however due to the poor audience reports, the film would drop sooner or later at these places as well.
Also Read: Jab Harry Met Sejal Movie Review: Shah Rukh Khan deserves better writing and we, a better film
Day Wise Box Office:
Also Read: Jab Harry Met Sejal Box Office Day 1: Shah Rukh Khan film opens decent but below expectations
The biz would grow on Sunday, however the weekend total of the film would fall short of the Rs 50 crore mark. The critic reviews as well as audience word of mouth is on the negative side and the film is heading to be one of the biggest set backs for Shah Rukh Khan. The all India distribution rights are sold for approximately Rs 70 crore, and the film had to collect in the range of Rs 140 crore to break even. However, given the trend till date, even crossing the Rs 100 crore mark seems like a distant dream.
While Red Chillies Entertainment has entailed profits by pre-selling the digital, satellite and music rights, the distributors of the film would entail major losses. Jab Harry Met Sejal has opened slightly better than its opening day on Sunday, however the jump is not good enough to keep it in contention of reaching a respectable total at the Box Office.
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