To the surprise and shock of many, Central Board of Film Certification chief Pahlaj Nihalani, asserted a few days ago the word ‘intercourse’ could not be given a green signal in the upcoming movie Jab Harry Met Sejal featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma. After this started conversations on social media, Pahlaj Nihalani has now said the reporter who followed him to the lift for answers was harassing him.
For the uninitiated, a channel had asked Nihalani the reason behind raising an objection with intercourse. He had asked the reporter to fetch 1 lakh votes to clear the word. After the channel got a lot of support on social media and managed to get the said number of votes, a reporter from the channel went to Pahlaj Nihalani again. This time, he chose not to speak anything. When he was questioned about this incident by a daily, the CBFC chief said, “She was just a young girl asking these embarrassing questions. Sorry, I may be old fashioned or fuddy-duddy as the news channel calls me. But I can’t talk about sex with a reporter young enough to be my daughter. She insisted and kept following me right into the lift. To my credit, I kept my cool. What if I had lost my temper? She’d gave gone back and made a story about sexual harassment against me.” He also revealed the reporter waited for six hours to meet him.
He added the channel was retorting to such ways to gain TRPs for themselves. Pahlaj Nihalani said the channel was hounding him and they cannot force him to answer their questions.
Who are you to decide whether I stay or go? What gives you the right to call me names? I am doing my job and I am answerable to the government,” Pahlaj Nihalani added.
Also read: ‘Intercourse’ row: Jab Harry Met Sejal close to 1 lakh votes. Will Pahlaj Nihalani keep his word?
When questioned about the votes the channel got, as per his bet, Pahlaj Nihalani said he would not consider it as it was given by Shah Rukh Khan fans.
I think it’s Shah Rukh’s fans on Twitter endorsing the use of the word ‘intercourse’. He has millions of followers on Twitter. If among them a lakh say yes to his dialogue, what is the big deal? Show me a lakh of ticket-paying members of the audience approving of an actor with a family image talking so blatantly about sex, and then we’ll see.
Well, seeing the consistency in his statements, we wonder what does Mr Nihalani want.
(Source: The Quint)
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