After releasing three mini trailers of Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma’s upcoming film Jab Harry Met Sejal, the makers have now finally unveiled its first song. Titled Radha, the song features Khan as guide Harinder Singh Nehra aka Harry and Anushka as Sejal.
The 51-year-old actor unveiled the song in Ahmedabad in the presence of girls named Sejal. It is a promotional campaign undertaken by Shah Rukh to create a buzz around the film. The song has been composed by Pritam Chakraborty while Shahid Mallya and Sunidhi Chauhan have lent their voice for the song. The lyrics have been penned by Irshad Kamil. The song opens with Harry explaining Sejal why Punjabi singers crooning at a high pitch. According to him, they are basically farmers who plough the field using tractors. They have to sing loud so that it is heard more than the sound of tractors.
The track is a chirpy one and the chemistry between Shah Rukh Khan and Anushka Sharma is adorable. It is the first song video released by the makers to promote the film. So far, three mini trails of the Imtiaz Ali directorial have been released and received with applause. Check out the first mini-trail here.
You cannot afford to miss the second trail in which Sejal asks Harry to sign an indemnity bond.
And last but not the list, the third mini trail of the film.
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