Anushka Sharma wants Shah Rukh Khan to understand the meaning of Sejal in the latest trail of Jab Harry Met Sejal. The actress, though, believes actions speak louder than words hence tries to explain what Sejal means through movement of her hands. The ‘chance pe dance’ person that Shah Rukh Khan is, he asserts knowing the meaning of the name is not important for him. And by releasing the fourth trail, Imtiaz Ali has painted a clearer sketch of the characters.
This latest trail of Jab Harry Met Sejal also introduces the peppy character of Sejal. She is much more than the indemnity bond signing girl, and sometimes just wants to let her hair loose and dance through the night. It will be really interesting to see Anushka Sharma in this carefree nature.
The Imtiaz Ali directorial is the love story of a tour guide and a Gujarati girl. One song from the movie titled Radha has been released and it hinted that Imtiaz Ali has hit the road once again this time. From whatever is available about the movie on the web, Jab Harry Met Sejal, ticks all the boxes of an Imtiaz Ali film. It is set in picturesque locations and has protagonists who celebrate life. After a really long time, Shah Rukh Khan will be seen in a Sikh avatar. This is one of the reasons why this movie has created buzz.
Also read: ‘Intercourse’ row: Jab Harry Met Sejal close to 1 lakh votes. Will Pahlaj Nihalani keep his word?
While the movie is being awaited by cine buffs, Jab Harry Met Sejal had a run with the Central Board of Film Certification. The CBFC chaired by Pahlaj Nihalani objected to the word intercourse and asked the makers to delete it. This obviously got Nihalani trolled on social media but he said he would not let go of the rules and will abide by them.
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