Shah Rukh Khan is on a promotional spree for his next release Jab Harry met Sejal. The team of JHMS came up with an innovative idea to promote the film through mini-trail before releasing the trailer. The 30-second short video clips give an insight into the film to the audience.
The JHMS team has already launched 3 mini-trails so far and plan to release 4 more before introducing the trailer. Not only the trails there will two song launch as well. So, in total there will 7 mini-trails and 3 songs for the SRK and Anushka Sharma fans before the film’s trailer for them.
According to the reports published by leading daily, SRK said: “We decided to do this because, by the time people come to the theaters, they will already be introduced to Harry and Sejal and will be able to relate to them.”
However, King Khan also confirmed that “We will have the usual grand trailer launch event where we will talk to the press sometime closer to the release. By then everyone will be well-acquainted with the film.”
The leading also quoted a source saying, “Right now, four more promos will come out. Two mini trails and a song — in that fashion. So in total, there will be three songs and seven mini trails before the trailer.”
Also read: Pahlaj Nihalani puts weird demand to clear trailer of Jab Harry Met Sejal, Twitter obliges
Check out the 3 mini-trails of Jab Harry Met Sejal released so far:
Also read: Anushka Sharma gives a new twist to the consent debate in Jab Harry Met Sejal ‘indemnity bond’ trailer
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