Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif starrer Jagga Jasoos continued its steady run at the Box Office. The Anurag Basu directorial has minted more than Rs 20 crore so far. On an opening day, the film raked in Rs 8.57 crore followed by Rs 11.53 crore on Saturday. Ranbir plays the role of Jagga, a detective who embarks on a mission to look for his missing father. Katrina, who turned 33 on July 16, plays Shruti in the film. The film has received positive response from the critics and fans alike. The surge in collections on Day 2 indicates that the cinemagoers have given a favourable response to Ranbir and Katrina’s reunion on the silver screen after a long 7 year gap. They were last seen together in Prakash Jha’s political thriller Rajneeti that turned out to be a hit.
Recently, Ranbir said that he would return the money to distributors in case Jagga Jasoos tanked at the Box Office. But it seems that the collections might surge with each passing day. Ranbir’s last outing was Karan Johar’s Ae Dil Hai Mushkil that turned out to be a commercial success. He will be next seen in the biopic of Sanjay Dutt that releases on Eid next year.
#JaggaJasoos Fri 8.57 cr, Sat 11.53 cr. Total: ₹ 20.10 cr. India biz.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 16, 2017
Meanwhile, Katrina recently attended IIFA 2017 award ceremony wherein she stole the show with her drop dead gorgeous looks. She also performed at the Bollywood event held in New York, paying tribute to Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as Salman Khan watched from the spectators’ end.
Also read: IIFA 2017 Winners List: All who walked away with the trophy at Bollywood event
Katrina will reprise the role of Zoya in Tiger Zinda Hai, wherein she shares the screen space with Salman Khan. The spy thriller is the sequel to 2012 blockbuster Ek Tha Tiger, that was helmed by Kabir Khan. Meanwhile, have a look at Jagga Jasoos trailer here.
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