Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2 is showing absolutely no signs of slowing down at the Box Office, despite the release of three new movies. The courtroom drama minted Rs 4.41 crore on the second Friday. The grand total of the film now stands at Rs 81.85 crore. The response the film has received proves that Akshay’s stardom cannot be challenged. These numbers are more overwhelming given the release of not one, but three movies namely The Ghazi Attack, Iraada and Running Shaadi.
In this Subhash Kapoor directorial, Akshay Kumar played the role of a lawyer. The way he pulled off the role and mouthed dialogues garnered appreciation for him. Inspired by real life incidents, Jolly LLB 2 shed light on the condition of Indian judiciary and how some people don’t get their share of justice.
Also read: Akshay Kumar’s Jolly LLB 2 is a good film but the Arshad Warsi’s version had more life
Before the release, the film ran into legal trouble. A lawyer filed a petition in the Bombay High Court that the movie demeaned the judicial system. Post this, the HC ordered the makers to incorporate four cuts in the scenes. Earlier, the makers moved Supreme Court to challenge the decision but later withdrew their petition. The makers accepted the court’s decision and the movie released after the cuts.
#JollyLLB2 continues to dominate, despite new releases… [Week 2] Fri 4.14 cr. Total: ₹ 81.85 cr. India biz… Strong Weekend 2 on cards!
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) February 18, 2017
Also read: People file cases for the sake of it, says a miffed Akshay Kumar on Jolly LLB 2 row
Despite the soup, Jolly LLB 2 attracted moviegoers to theatres. The film maintained its strong hold at the Box Office in the initial days after release and hasn’t let go off it after so many days as well. Made on a budget of Rs 45 crore, Jolly LLB 2 is already a hit. It had raked in Rs 45 crore through satellite and music rights. Now the collection from the ticket counters confirms Jolly LLB 2 is a superhit.
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