Canadian pop star Justin Bieber arrived in Mumbai hours in the wee hours of Wednesday, wherein he was received by Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera. The 23-year-old singer was wearing pink pullover and black shorts. The singer was greeted by a group of fans who had gathered to welcome him. He rushed out to a waiting car which took him to his hotel in Lower Parel. His backstage crew, along with his security team, is already stationed in the hotel. After rocking the stage in Dubai on May 6, the “Love Yourself” singer is set to perform in Mumbai today.
A rage among the youth, especially teenagers, Bieber is touring to promote his critically-acclaimed album “Purpose”. Titled the “Purpose World Tour”, around 45,000 ‘Beliebers’ are expected to be in attendance for the Grammy-winning singer’s first-ever show in India at Navi Mumbai’s D Y Patil Stadium. Navi Mumbai Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale said 500 security personnel along with 25 officers have been deployed
to ensure proper security at the stadium, with drone cameras keeping a constant watch.
Apart from local police and the singer’s own security detail, Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera has also been roped in to ensure Bieber’s safety. Harry Potter” actress Elarica Johnson will host the highly-anticipated event.
The opening acts for Bieber’s gig include artistes such as DJ Sartek, DJ Zaeden and Norwegian DJ Alan Walker.
The performances will begin at 4 PM with DJ Sartek opening the concert. Bieber is getting a royal treatment during his India stay. He will be treated to cuisines representing 29 states, people close to the organisers of the tour said. After the show, Bieber is expected to attend a private yacht party with live karaoke singing.
The Cold Water singer is expected to spend the next two days visiting New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.
Bieber will be showered with custom-made presents which include an exclusive autographed sarod from Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, a Swarovski crystal-studded jacket by Rohit Bal and an Anamika Khanna-designed floor length chanderi silk jacket for his mother Pattie Mallett.
Bieber embarked on the tour on March 9 last year in Seattle and will close it on September 24 this year in Tokyo.
Also read: Justin Bieber will only perform for an hour. Here’s the final schedule of May 10
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