Pop star Justin Bieber is all set for his much-awaited performance in Mumbai. Grammy Award-winning Canadian singing sensation, who has a huge fan following all over the world has finally arrived early on Wednesday amidst tight security for his maiden concert in India. Ever since his concert in India has been announced, a lot has been talked and written about his tour. He recently created headlines for his insane demands including a ping pong table, a PlayStation for recreation, a Jacuzzi for him to unwind, an IO Walk (Hoverboard), a Sofa set to ensure comfort and massage table among others. Now, he is in the news for the amount the organisers have put it for his concert.
If rumors are to be believed, the organisers have spent a whopping of Rs 26 crore for the concert. No wonder he is the singing sensation and the promoters are leaving no stones unturned to make sure that he has a good time as it is his first visit to India.
Talking about the same, Arjun Jain, Managing Director of White Fox India, promoters of the Justin Bieber concert said, “We haven’t cut corners on this show. In terms of ticketed events, this is the biggest show not only for my company but in the history of India. Everything he’s wanted we’ve made it available, except for a few things that weren’t available for which we got substitutes. We want to do certain things for him to make him like India…We’ve arranged sightseeing and a Maharaja sit-down dinner with different flavors of India because he loves Indian food. We wanted to host a couple of parties for him at celebrities’ houses and have got offers to host him there.”
Also Read: Justin Bieber Mumbai concert: Here’s what Beliebers should expect from the Purpose tour
The tour is to promote his fourth album, the critically-acclaimed “Purpose”, in which he has experimented with more adventurous electronic sounds. Tickets are priced upwards of Rs 5,000, and fans have come from different parts of the country to be a part of the gig.
Also Read: Justin Bieber arrives in Mumbai for Purpose India tour. See photos
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Source: Bollywoodlife.com
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