A double digit number on the second Sunday since release is not a common sight in Hindi film industry. But Kaabil has managed to break apart from these set norms. The film starring Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam raked in Rs 11.88 crore and now the grand total is Rs 118.14 crore. The numbers are definitely an answer to all those critics who had written off Hrithik’s career after his previous films bombed at the Box Office.
Directed by Sanjay Gupta and produced under Rakesh Roshan’s Filmkraft banner, Kaabil told the story of a blind man’s vendetta for his wife’s rape and suicide.
After the film received a stupendous response in India it will also release in Pakistan. Kaabil is among the first films to be released across the border after Pakistan put a ban on Indian films after the hostile relations between the two countries.
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Telling how happy he was to learn that Kaabil will release in Pakistan, Hrithik told a leading daily:
I am delighted that our neighbours will get to see Kaabil in cinemas all across. Kaabil has received an overwhelming response from India and I hope for the same love from the audience there.
Also read: Yami Gautam, you’re now ‘Kaabil’ enough to stop appearing in those nonsensical fairness cream ads
Expressing his happiness about Kaabil’s performance at the ticket counters, Hrithik added:
Kaabil getting 200 more screens in the second week is a sign from the universe that one must just focus on good work and leave the rest to God. This is a huge victory. I want to thank all the Kaabil fans for making this happen. It is unprecedented and I feel especially happy for my father who remains one of the few active and successful non-corporatized producers in our film industry. My gratitude to all the forces made this happen.
The film released along with Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees on January 25.
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