Bollywood actress Kajol, who grabbed the limelight and got trolled on social media sites for posting a video of a beef dish prepared by her friend, on May 1 took to her official Twitter handle to clarify her stand on the issue. She said that it was actually buffalo meat that was there on her plate and the whole issue was a “miscommunication”.
Earlier, a video showing Dilwale actress Kajol consuming beef went viral on the internet and people trolled Kajol mercilessly for consuming beef, even if it was outside the country.
Later, the 42-year-old actress deleted the video clip from her official Instagram and Facebook accounts after it attracted negative reactions from the netizens.
To clarify her stand, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai actress wrote on her Twitter wall: “A video of me at a friend’s lunch said that there was a beef dish at the table. That’s a miscommunication. What was shown was buffalo meat, that is legally available meat.
“I’m issuing this clarification because this is a sensitive matter that may hurt religious sentiments, which is not my intention,” Kajol wrote.
Beef is banned in Maharashtra and many other states of our country.
— Kajol (@KajolAtUN) May 1, 2017
Have a look at the picture that Kajol posted on her Instagram account:
Also, have a look on some of the reactions of people on social media:
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