Kajol, who had her birthday on August 5, revealed how her husband and actor Ajay Devgn planned a surprise for her on her special day. Talking to a leading daily, the Dilwale actress said that she was really touched with the gesture, as she knows Ajay to not be someone who indulges in surprises.
“I was on an outdoor shoot and I came back and he kept everything ready from the food to the flowers to inviting everyone. It was really sweet and touching because he knows I like to have people over. I was very happy because I know he is not someone to do all this but he organised this for me. I was really touched,” said Kajol.
Kajol, who tied the knot with Ajay Devgn in 1999, has managed to largely keep her marriage away from gossip and has given others quite a few marriage goals. Be it Ae Dil Hai Mushkil‘s controversy or other issues, she always stood by Ajay’s side. Talking about the same, the 43 years old actress said that Ajay was hard to break, as he hardly gets affected by such controversies.
Talking to a leading daily, she said: “Ajay did a good job as director and actor, and Abigail [Eames, co-actor] made me howl. But he is hard to break, and has me by his side, always.”
Kajol and Ajay worked in films including Dil Kya Kare (1999), Pyar To Hona Hi Tha (1998) and Ishq (1997) among others.
Meanwhile, Kajol is making a much anticipated comeback after two decades to Tamil filmdom with VIP 2. The film also features Dhanush. In the sequel to the 2014 Tamil blockbuster VIP, Kajol plays a suave and conniving businesswoman named Vasundhara.
Also Read: Kajol clarifies on the beef dish controversy, it was buffalo meat
Produced by Kalaipuli S. Thanu, the film also stars Amala Paul, Vivekh and Samuthirakani, who were part of the first part as well. VIP 2 is slated to release in August.
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