After Esha Gupta and Mandana Karimi, actress Kalki Koechlin has also shed clothes in her latest Instagram post. She shared a nude photo of herself and captioned it as ‘love your nakedness’. Her picture, though gathered an initial positive response, raised many eyebrows as it came after the much-hyped nude pictures of Esha. However, Kalki took a stand for her photograph on social media and emphasized on the importance to celebrate who you are.
Speaking her mind about the photo shoot, Kalki said “as women, we often are depicted through a man’s perspective, but this picture was clicked by a woman photographer. That’s why I found it significant to share the photograph.”
Kalki also taked about the increasing acts of body shaming women online. Taking a firm stand against it, she said “sharing the picture was a step towards curbing the menace. The actor states that it reflects poorly on the society when it subjects its women to body shaming.”
Half way between shadow and light by @rivabubber #blackandwhite #loveyournakedness
A post shared by Kalki (@kalkikanmani) on
She further added “I think it’s important to celebrate who you are and your body rather than ponder about what the world will think. I have always believed in the idea of wearing your personality on your sleeve. I have never been ashamed of whatever I do.”
Koechlin, who was last seen in A Death in the Gunj, will soon be seen with Richa Chadha in Jia Aur Jia. Helmed by Howard Rosemeyer, the film is a chick flick and is about two girls on a road trip.
Also read: Kalki Koechlin’s nude photo gets some really beautiful comments by the good people on Instagram
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