Kangana Ranaut has been ruling the headlines after she made explosive allegations against Hrithik Roshan and Aditya Pancholi, fearlessly sharing details about her past. She is also on a promotional spree for her next release Simran. During one such promotional event, Kangana finally talked about something which was not related to any controversy. She opened up on Simran, on the horrible failure of Rangoon and her achievements in Bollywood.
According to the reports published by a leading daily, while promoting Simran, Kangana opened up about how Rangoon‘s failure affected her.
The Queen actress said, “Rangoon‘s failure was a tragic one, there’s no hiding to it that I was drastically affected by it. I started to expect a lot with that film, but, later I got a much-needed reality check. I thought that when I escaped from my house, I thought of achieving a goal, and I have achieved more than that. Then, I started to realise that my expectations from my own self is rising higher, which is wrong. In that case, I’ll start turning greedy. So, somewhere, the failure gave me a sense of freedom. Now, I have a beautiful house of my own in Manali, which I’d never thought about.”
Further talking about receiving National Awards, being one of the leading faces of Bollywood and her previous release’s failure, she said:
If tomorrow, my films don’t work well, I’ll go to Manali. I’ve received three National Awards. I’m considered the leading face of the Hindi film industry. All this is a lot for me. When failure hit me, I thought it’s the end, nothing worse than this can ever happen to me, because people look down on you. However, it teaches you to be strong and gives you the much-needed push, and also makes you realise that nobody can pull you down than this because you’ve already tested the worst. So, it’s a kind of a relief to me.
Kangana also said that she was not insecure in any way as she had already achieved everything. She further added:
For a girl like me, who was nothing and now, has achieved everything, I think nothing is impossible for me, I can achieve everything in this world. I’m not insecure in any way. I’m content with what I have.
Kangana’s Simran is slated to release on September 15. Directed by Hansal Mehta, the film shows a slice from the life of Praful Patel, played by Kangana, and focuses on her gambling addiction.
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