The nepotism debate has taken over the Hindi film industry ever since Kangana Ranaut called Karan Johar the ‘flag bearer of nepotism’ on his chat show, Koffee with Karan. The issue got escalated further when Karan Johar, Varun Dhawan and Saif Ali Khan joked about the same at IIFA 2017. Apurva Asrani, who has written Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film, Simran directed by Hansal Mehta believes that even Kangana Ranaut is guilty of nepotism. Since Ranaut has hired her sister, Rangoli as her manager, the writer feels that even Kangana is promoting nepotism in some or the other way.
Apruva tweeted, “I hired my brother as addnl (additional) writer on my new film. #Kangana hired her sister as manager & now promotes her brother. All guilty of #nepotism?”
The teaser of Simran was launched in April 2017, following which the film landed in a controversy over the writing credits. Apurva Asrani expressed his displeasure over Kangana Ranaut being credited as the ‘additional writer’ of the film. Asrani also slammed the director, Hansal Mehta for not taking a stand for the writer, who has collaborated with him on films like Shahid and Aligarh.
The writer was quoted as saying,
About the additional dialogue credit, Kangana totally deserves it. She improvised on many of the dialogues and did a remarkable job. There is some hurt over the way things were announced without consulting me. I didn’t know that Hansal had promised Kangana part of the writing credit till I had finished the edit. By the time I got to know, the announcement had been made.
In Simran, Kangana Ranaut will essay the character of a Gujarati girl, Praful Patel. The Hansal Mehta directorial is slated to hit the big screen on September 15, this year.
But now that Apurva Asrani has taken a jibe at Kangana and accused her of nepotism, we wonder what the latter will say on this. Kangana started the nepotism debate and has since got support from many. But now Apurva highlighted a different story, this might give people something to think about.
I hired my brother as addnl writer on my new film. #Kangana hired her sister as manager & now promotes her brother. All guilty of #nepotism?
— Apurva Asrani (@Apurvasrani) July 18, 2017
Also read: Varun Dhawan apologises for making ‘nepotism’ remark at Kangana Ranaut at IIFA 2017
Do let us know what do you think of Apurva Asrani’s comments on Kangana Ranaut being equally guilty of nepotism.
Source Quote: Mumbai Mirror
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