Apurva Asrani lashed out at Kangana Ranaut a few days ago when he said the latter bringing her sister Rangoli in the business is a sign of nepotism. Responding to the allegations of Apurva, Kangana’s sister Rangoli wrote on Twitter that Apurva should not have dragged her name into the nepotism controversy for his shot to fame. Rangoli, who is an acid attack survivor, said in a series of tweets that her sister helped her get back the confidence.
At the IIFA 2017, Saif Ali Khan, Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut took potshots at Kangana. When KJo said Kangana should not speak so much, he probably meant the Queen actress shouldn’t have started the nepotism debate. This led to many conversations about nepotism starting.While most of the people took Kangana’s side, Apurva Asrani, the writer of Simran, said the actress is also responsible for promoting nepotism.
Giving the example of Kangana keeping her sister Rangoli as the manager, Apurva said she also unknowingly or knowingly helped this phenomenon. But Rangoli did not mince her words and corrected Apurva. She said her working for Kangana was not an example of nepotism.
Here are her tweets:
@Apurvasrani acid dsn’t kill you it just distorts your face in a way that wherever you go people’s jaw drops in a very sad way.
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 19, 2017
@Apurvasrani I m topper in M.Sc microbiology I didn’t loose my degree after the attack but I lost my confidence and started to wear veil .
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 19, 2017
@Apurvasrani I am her sister and i am with her in that capacity, my brother is a pilot and don’t you dare to bring him in to this.
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 19, 2017
@Apurvasrani You are after your 5 mins fame which you don’t deserve so please calm down and Relax.
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 19, 2017
Drinking cofe n watching flms with your own little brthr is nt nepotism u emotionally illitrate persn.Thts cald Love .#sigh which u lack .
— Rangoli Chandel (@Rangoli_A) July 19, 2017
Also read: Other side of nepotism: Aadar Jain reveals why being a star kid is not easy
Talking about the ongoing nepotism debate, Apurva Asrani told a daily, “I think the IFFA gag was in bad taste and people are right in condemning it. But the nepotism debate must move beyond making villains of the privileged. It is a problem with the system, across all sectors, and we need to realize that we are all guilty of it. When we hire our trusted family members and friends, use our clout to refer a friend, we are all nepotistic.”
Also read: Kangana Ranaut is also guilty of nepotism, says Apurva Asrani. Do you agree?
“Yet, the best way to fight nepotism is to work hard and rise beyond it. Like Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan and Priyanka Chopra have done. They are our biggest stars,” he added.
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