Kangana Ranaut has announced her first directorial venture in which she will be playing the role of an 80-year-old woman. The actress revealed recently that the movie is titled Teju. It is expected to go on floors in December this year and will hit screens in the same month next year. Apart from Teju, Kangana Ranaut is currently juggling busy with the promotions of Simran and Manikarnika: Queen of Jhansi.
The protagonist is obviously interesting and Kangana spoke more about it with Pinkvilla.com. She said Teju is a vibrant movie full of life and is warm. “Teju is a woman perched on the threshold of death but not yet ready to leave the world,” said Kangana.
The movie is reported to touch concerns of mortality, life beyond death and other things on these lines. But Kangana said it won’t be depressing or dark. Apart from being the tale of an old woman, Teju will be shot in Himachal Pradesh, the place from where Kangana belongs. She will also write the script for the movie.
Divulging more details about the movie, Kangana said it will explore questions about life that we ask to ourselves from time to time. She added that her movie will talk about all that but in a light hearted manner. “These are questions that all of us ask ourselves and each other from time to time. We will explore them in a light-hearted manner in my film dappled with the sunshine of Teju’s personality,” Kangana was quoted by the daily.
Kangana said she had the privilege of seeing her great-grandmother. As a toddler, Kangana was quite close to her and added that it pained her to see old people shunned by the society. “I grew up around old people and it pains me to see senior citizens largely ignored in any community, society or country,” Kangana said.
Also read: Kangana Ranaut gets legal notice from Ketan Mehta for ‘hijacking his movie’
The Queen actress further added that Teju would be a lot like her.”It will also be a lot about me as I am older than my years.”
By taking up a project like Teju, Kangana has raised the bar for herself. Let us see how the movie turns out to be.
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