Ever since actress Kangana Ranaut has made shocking revelation about her alleged love affair with Hrithik Roshan, her past relation with Aditya Pancholi and much more, a lot has been written and talked about the actress. And to the recent development the actress and Aditya Pancholi are now embroiled in a legal battle based on defamatory remarks. Kangana’s lawyer, Rizwan Siddiquee, replied to the legal defamation notice sent by Aditya which was in response to the public thrashing by Kangana on a TV channel. The Simran actress had unveiled her relationship with the actor and mentioning about the physical and mental trauma she went through.
Siddiquee received the legal notice on September 26, and sent the response on Saturday, September 30.
Siddiquee said in a statement: “The defamation notice received by the Advocate representing Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab have been duly replied to. My client who has been a victim of crime has largely spoken about her personal experiences, which were already reported on various media platforms since the year 2007”.
“Besides the laws of the land do not give any added advantage to any male person to silence any (victim) woman under the threat of filing defamation proceedings against her,” he added.
Recently, Aditya Pancholi and his wife Zarina Wahab had sent a legal notice to Kangana Ranaut following her explosive comments during a television chat show. While talking about the same Aditya admitted that he had sent a legal notice to the Queen star but didn’t divulge much details. Aditya was quoted as saying:
Yes, I have sent a legal notice to her (Kangana Ranaut). My lawyer has asked me to not talk about it since the matter is sub judice. I hope you understand.
On the work front, Kangana was last seen in Hansal Mehta directorial Simran. As of now, she is busy shooting for her upcoming film Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi.
Also Read: After Hrithik Roshan, Aditya Pancholi to take legal action against Kangana Ranaut
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