Karan Johar has taken a fresh jibe at actor Kangana Ranaut, saying he will run away after hearing her name. The filmmaker was speaking at an interactive session during the launch of sarod master Ustad Amjad Ali Khan’s book ‘Master on Masters’. During the session, Johar was complimented by Suhel Seth of looking the same even at 44. The filmmaker replied that he was ‘honoured’ to have heard something polite from him. In reply Seth quipped by saying that he did not believe in the politics of hatred and added that affection had a more charming virtue.
The hilarious conversation took a new turn when Johar asked Seth,”Who are you?”. To which Seth replied Kangana.”Really? Then I am going to run out of here,” the Ae Dil Hai Mushkil director retorted. Karan Johar and Kangana Ranaut are in the midst of a nepotism debate after the Queen actor lashed out at him on his show Koffee With Karan. Since then, the former has not left a stone unturned to lash out at the three-time National Award winning actor.
During the session, Johar spoke on a lot of issues regarding his family and of course his newborn kids Roohi and Yash. He said he would like to see his kids grow up listening to the kind of music that he did. The filmmaker who is also known for the melodious music in his films, said he did not like his children to listen to the Coldplay version of nursery rhymes.
“I want them to learn and grow to the music that I grew up with because they are my children, and they have to love the music I love because they have to love me,” he said.
Had the honour of releasing Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Saab’s book ….a maestro and legend….#masteronmasters @PenguinIndia pic.twitter.com/UYOUQ5gzpr
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) March 29, 2017
Also read: Karan Johar admits to nepotism, says non-industry kids he auditioned were not good enough for SOTY 2
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